Waterproof Canvas Tents

Looking for a premium canvas waterproof tent that can withstand the elements? Here at Boutique Camping, our Oxford 8oz canvas tents are the perfect choice for those who want to camp without compromise. This thick, waterproof synthetic polyester has been specially designed to provide the look and feel of canvas, but without the added weight and maintenance. Shop the full range below.

These canvas waterproof tents are a must for any off-grid adventure, as they give you peace of mind no matter what the weather forecast has in store. So, when you’re planning your next glamping trip, you won’t need to worry about a downpour putting a stop to your adventure. Instead, with our Oxford 8oz waterproof canvas tent fabric, you can sleep peacefully knowing you won’t be disturbed by leaky ceilings or damp groundsheets.  

If you’re looking for something a little more portable than this heavy-duty waterproof camping tent, you may want to try something from our ultralight canvas tent range for even easier transportation. Despite also being waterproof and quick drying, these ultralight tents will make car-to-plot trips that bit easier with reduced weight. Check out our fabric guide for more detailed info on all our tent materials — including our Polycotton Canvas 10oz and Fire Retardant Cotton, which is ideal when using one of our woodburning tent stoves or pizza ovens.

Shop the range of canvas waterproof tents for camping at Boutique Camping and get free shipping on your order.